
Exportpreis bayern
Bavarian Export Award

The Bavarian Export Award recognizes our outstanding export rate of over 80 percent. We are active worldwide and harness the opportunity of globalization to strengthen the reputation of Bavarian products and services. According to Bavaria's Minister of Economic Affairs Ilse Aigner, it does not necessarily take big teams to succeed abroad, but rather "courage, innovation and Bavarian charm". The Bavarian Export Award 2016 confirms that MIPM stands for all of these characteristics.

Innovative through research
Innovative performance driven by research

The “Stifterverband”, one of Germany’s largest private sponsors of scientific research, awards this quality badge to research companies who have accepted their special responsibility for the country and society. Research and innovation are important elements of MIPM’s corporate policy. The development of new and advanced products is the driving force behind the continued growth of our company.

Azubi 2022
We promote young talent

On 1st of September 1998, our very first apprentice started her apprenticeship at MIPM. We have been offering interesting career options to motivated persons ever since. MIPM offers a number of different apprenticeship programmes; combined vocational and academic courses and internships are also available.

Umwelt klimapakt
Environment and Climate Pact Bavaria

The Environment and Climate Pact Bavaria is an agreement between the Bavarian state government and Bavarian businesses. The MIPM accepts responsibility for the protection of the environment.  We are confident that the challenge can be mastered voluntarily and without the imposition of laws and regulations. We also want to show that business and environmental action are not mutually exclusive.


Mitglied erfolgsfaktor familie
Success factor family

The "Success Factor Family" corporate network was founded in 2007 by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce as a central platform for family-friendly companies. Since then, it has grown continuously and now has over 7,300 members, ranging from very small businesses to DAX-listed companies. With its services, the network office primarily supports small and medium-sized companies in the practical implementation of a family-friendly HR policy.

Familienpakt bayern
Bavarian Alliance for Families

The compatibility of family and work concerns all of us: political players, businesses and the society at large. As a partner of the Bavarian Alliance for Families, we create family-friendly framework conditions and contribute to a change in culture and awareness. Members of the MIPM -Family can rely on us supporting them in their family responsibilities. This includes childcare as well as providing care to relatives in need.

Volunteer friendly business
Volunteer-friendly business

The Bavarian state government is honoring the MIPM-Family for its great volunteer commitment with the “Volunteer-friendly Business - safer together" award. One in five of our employees is an active volunteer, and we do everything we can to assist them in their activities, despite possible downsides for our business operations.